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How Cursive Writing helps prevent what we think is Dyslexia.

When children happen to reverse letters or numbers and sometimes write the words backwards, parents and teachers tend to brand them as being Dyslexic.

But these kind of reversals are seen very often among children as a normal part of their developmental process. This goes on perhaps till the child reaches the 1st or even the 2nd grade.

 So when a child write the number 3 or 7 or 9 backwards, or when the child is not sure whether the circle in the letter b is to the right or left – confusing it with d – then most parents and teachers get concerned.  And that in turn can be extremely confusing and frustrating for the child.

The common letters that create confusion in a child’s mind are

  b d p q  / c o a / u n / m w/ l  t  f

 However, when the child writes in the Cursive Script, there is absolutely no such issue as each of these letters has its own unique way of formation. How you begin writing each of these letters is different.

 See how they look.

b d p q…c  o a … u n … l  t  f 

So, lets say you want to write the letter b in cursive.  You will begin by writing the letter l  in cursive and then proceeding to complete the letter b by drawing the curve to the right. 

But when you write the letter d in cursive, you first begin by writing the letter c in cursive, and then proceed to compete the letter d by making strokes similar to writing the letter l – thus forming the cursive letter d.

So the way you begin writing the two letters is different.

Besides, you have to remember that learning is a process and it takes time. Visual memory takes time to register, so a lot of repetition, making sure the child reads and writes daily is very important.

 In the Montessori Method, we have the Sand Paper Letters. The child traces each letter the way it is written with just his two writing fingers.

 While the letter registers in his visual memory, the act of tracing forms an impression in his muscular memory. When the child reaches to the end of the letter being traced, he voices the sound that letter stands for thus activating his acoustic sense (sense of hearing).

 Thus this activity of tracing with Sand Paper Letters registers the letter it represents by activating three senses at the same time. The more the number of senses involved, the better is the retention.

  Isn’t it an amazing way of reinforcing the letters of the alphabet into the child’s mind?

 Later, the child tries and recreates the letters using either a chalkboard or tracing them in a sandbox. 

The Cursive Letters thus formed are imprinted well and good in the child’s mind. So there is hardly the issue of letters getting reversed or there being any sort of confusion.

 In fact, when the children in my school started reading the print style from storybooks, and they would be confused whether it is a ‘b’ or a ‘d’, they would quickly trace the cursive letter in the air (b d), to see whether the curve is to the right or to the left and decide, whether it is a ‘b’ or a ‘d’.

Another issue related to Dyslexia is going from left to right while reading and writing. We make sure to offer activities, like the Tactile Board where the child practices and understands he has to go from left to right while reading and writing.

 And then we have what Dr. Montessori called the Sensitive Period of Language.

 A child, from birth till the age of 6 is in the Sensitive Period of Language. What he learns in terms of language during this period, effortlessly and unconsciously, he will never learn after this period has passed.

 Will the child still be able to learn language when he is older? – Yes. But with a lot of pain and effort, which can all be avoided. Better results can be achieved with love and without tears during the Sensitive Period of Language.

 Cursive Writing is the way to go – it looks great, artistic and creates a good impression of the writer.

 So, let our children learn the Cursive Script easily and effortlessly when they are most ready for it – during the Early Years – around the age of Four.

 Note of Caution:  If the issue of reversal still persists, it is always advisable to consult a specialist. The earlier any deviation from normal is detected, the easier it is to rectify it.